October 2022- December 2023 E-book Planner
Our 15-month guide and planner to healthy natural hair is back! This October 2022 - December 2023 calendar and a step-by-step guide to healthy, strong, and long natural hair is an updated version of our 2021 ebook with more in-depth tips and tricks to grow and retain length! Follow along with this guide each month to transform your hair into long luscious tresses. This guide will share with you the best products you should use on your hair and how often you should use them. This guide will share with you how to properly take care of your hair and break down everything you need to know into daily, weekly, and bi-monthly sections. Each month you will see your hair improve more and more. With hair growth reminders and things to know checklist, this e-book will help you transform your hair to reach its maximum potential.

more reviews & testimonies can be found on our instagram @mhhaircare